Health and safety measures aren’t usually a priority at home, we tend to focus on the design of our homes, not how the dog bed may be a trip hazard. But many of us now working around housemates, partners, dogs and fish!
It’s vital that we think about making our home working space as safe as possible.
Here are some points to think of working from home.
As a manager, it is part of your duty of care to check in with your team and make sure their working environment is suitable for their role and assist where you can.
According to the (HSA), the parameters of remote duty of care include: ensuring that the work activity and the temporary workspace are suitable for remote working; that the employee makes the employer aware of any potential risks of working from home; and that the employee has all tools and equipment needed to do their job satisfactorily from home.
We’ve all seen a fair few images online of people using the floor and other makeshift items as desks – but while they may seem to offer a short-term solution, they are not a viable solution! It is important that we have a comfortable working area including a chair that supports your back properly; even using a laptop on a lap tray on the sofa is better than standing by your ironing board or cooker.
Even if you don’t have enough room or supplies to create a home office, sitting at the dining room table will do wonders for your posture.
It’s vital that all employees know their key point of contact right now. If your phone or computer stops working, your internet falls over, or you’re unable to download on your work laptop, you need to know who to get in touch with – and quickly!
More than ever when replacements aren’t readily available, and fixes won’t be quick or easy. It’s important to take care of your electronic equipment. That means not letting your laptop overheat, shutting it down completely instead of leaving it on standby, and making sure your phone doesn’t get dropped by the kids or drop it in the loooo!
The following risk groups; young person, pregnant, disabled, or have mobility needs. While business continuity is at the forefront of many leaders’ minds, it is equally important to ensure that the new remote working situation doesn’t negatively impact these employees.
When assessing the suitability of their home working environment, pay special attention to making sure their working conditions do not cause unnecessary stress to the employee.
Make sure you stay in regular touch with any employees who fall into sensitive risk groups, so they don’t feel cut off or isolated from their team and friends at work.
Public is being encouraged to only go to A&E if it is an emergency and absolutely cannot be treated at home.
Action Training Services Ltd will have some easy videos to follow for CPR and choking.
It’s also worth noting that in your house there are more opportunities for burns and scalds than at work – such as cooking appliances and pipes, cleaning supplies and electrical sockets that may not be safety-checked.
Action Training - First Aid Quick Tips:
· Burn - Cool with cold water for 20 minutes minimum.
· Choking - try and encourage the casualty to cough - give them five back blows between their shoulder blades; if this doesn’t work give five abdominal thrusts; 999; repeat if not worked.
· Minor Bleeds - clean with water; dry the wound before dressing with a bandage.
UK work force, Stay Safe.
Action Training & Consultancy Services Ltd
Andrew Billington